Site description

About Me

My name is Christopher Bao and I am a student at the University of Delaware. I am a sophomore studying Computer Science BA.

Things I like:

Relevant Media

The University of Delaware

Wow that campus looks so cool (I would know I go there)

Computer Science

What is this young man coding? It looks very complicated.

Video game

Check out this sick and cool gaming setup! It is mine I own it

Funny dog

Funny dog compilation

Yummy food

Yummy food tier list
Food Tier Explanation
Pizza S Cheese bread tomato very good, lots of varieties
Burger S Burger
Sushi A Solid Taste
Donut B Good but very unhealthy
Chicken C Chicken is Okay, C for Chicken

Long walks on the beach (Click to go to Rehoboth Beach)

Let's go to the beach beach let's go get a wave


Let's go to the beach beach let's go get a wave